Facial expression recognition to improve learning, gaming

A computer algorithm that can tell whether you are happy or sad, angry or expressing almost any other emotion would be a boon to the games industry. New research published in the International Journal of Computational Vision ...

What makes Tom Hanks look like Tom Hanks?

Tom Hanks has appeared in many acting roles over the years, playing young and old, smart and simple. Yet we always recognize him as Tom Hanks. Why? Is it his appearance? His mannerisms? The way he moves?

Computers can perceive image curves like artists

Imagine computers being able to understand paintings or paint abstract images much like humans. Bo Li at Umeå University in Sweden demonstrates a breakthrough concept in the field of computer vision using curves and lines ...

What neuroscience can learn from computer science

What do computers and brains have in common? Computers are made to solve the same problems that brains solve. Computers, however, rely on a drastically different hardware, which makes them good at different kinds of problem ...

New website can identify birds using photos

In a breakthrough for computer vision and for bird watching, researchers and bird enthusiasts have enabled computers to achieve a task that stumps most humans—identifying hundreds of bird species pictured in photos.

Images that fool computer vision raise security concerns

Computers are learning to recognize objects with near-human ability. But Cornell researchers have found that computers, like humans, can be fooled by optical illusions, which raises security concerns and opens new avenues ...

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