Ultrasound has potential to damage coronaviruses, study finds

The coronavirus' structure is an all-too-familiar image, with its densely packed surface receptors resembling a thorny crown. These spike-like proteins latch onto healthy cells and trigger the invasion of viral RNA. While ...

Stay complex, my friends

The KISS concept – keep it simple, stupid – may work for many situations. However, when it comes to evolution, complexity appears to be key for prosperity and propagating future generations.

Chemical compounds in foods can inhibit a key SARS-CoV-2 enzyme

Chemical compounds in foods or beverages like green tea, muscadine grapes and dark chocolate can bind to and block the function of a particular enzyme, or protease, in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to a new study by plant ...

Flame spy virus gets order to vanish: experts

US computer security researchers said Sunday that the Flame computer virus that smoldered undetected for years in Middle Eastern energy facilities has gotten orders to vanish, leaving no trace.

COVID-19 virus survives on surfaces within thin film

How does the COVID-19 virus manage to survive on surfaces? To find out, researchers in India are exploring the drying times of thin liquid films that persist on surfaces after most respiratory droplets evaporate.

Japanese defense industry body target of cyberattack

A cyberattack was launched on an organization of Japanese defense contractors in an attempt to steal confidential information on the nation's defense industry, according to sources.

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