Thai flooding disrupting hard drive supplies

The massive flooding in Thailand is disrupting supplies of hard disk drives (HDDs) for the world's personal computer makers, according to companies and market intelligence firms.

Thailand flooding could affect PC supplies, prices

(AP) -- The personal computer industry, already reeling from depressed demand, has been dealt another setback: Massive flooding in Thailand has curtailed production of a critical component - computer storage drives.

Sony to release tablet computer this month

Sony's first tablet computer will hit the Japanese market on September 17 as the company looks to take on Apple's popular iPad, the electronics giant said Thursday.

New directions in data storage solutions

( -- One day in the not-too-distant future, the entire contents of the Library of Congress might be stored on a device the size of a postage stamp.

Amazon failure takes down sites across Internet

(AP) -- Scores of websites and Internet services like Foursquare and Reddit crashed or had limited availability Thursday because of problems at a data center run by

CeBIT: World's top tech fair opens under a cloud

The world's biggest IT fair opened Tuesday amid concerns over the security of its featured technology -- cloud computing -- after some 150,000 Google email accounts vanished into the ether.

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