Computer-assisted learning - Fun and usefulness combined

( -- Electronic learning systems must be easy to use, flexible and interactive so as to enable knowledge to be conveyed successfully. Researchers from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will be showcasing software at ...

Lenovo 'LePad' combines tablet and laptop

Chinese computer colossus Lenovo has unveiled an IdeaPad computer that serves as a laptop for work tasks then converts to a touch-screen tablet for play time.

Second computer worm 'hits Iran'

Iran has been hit with new malicious software as part of cyber attacks against the country, a military officer told Mehr news agency on Monday without specifying the target.

Engineers crack ceramics production obstacle

( -- Engineers at the University of Leicester have invented a new technique in the manufacture of ceramics that has the potential to save the industry time and costs while reducing wastage.

HP to offer webOS as open-source software

(AP) -- It may be one of the technology world's most expensive efforts to give something away: Hewlett-Packard Co. said Friday that it's making its webOS mobile system available as open-source software that anyone can use ...

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