IBM and Samsung collaborate on chip research

US computer giant IBM and South Korean electronics titan Samsung have announced they will begin working together on ways to make better chips for smartphones and other gadgets.

Microsoft developing Windows for phone chips

Microsoft Corp. confirmed Wednesday that it is developing a version of its main Windows operating system that will run on cell phone chips, providing an alternative for the first time to the chips based on Intel technology.

Lenovo 'LePad' combines tablet and laptop

Chinese computer colossus Lenovo has unveiled an IdeaPad computer that serves as a laptop for work tasks then converts to a touch-screen tablet for play time.

Google working on phone with built-in payment tool

Google Inc. is taking another stab at designing a game-changing mobile phone, this time by including a built-in payment system that could eventually enable the devices to replace credit cards.

Intel chief: Content-shifting key for chip-makers

(AP) -- The semiconductor industry hasn't fully cracked the challenge of making chips that help people move content seamlessly between their devices, Intel Corp. CEO Paul Otellini said Monday.

'Dark silicon' to improve smartphone battery life

( -- A new smartphone chip prototype under development at the University of California, San Diego will improve smartphone efficiency by making use of "dark silicon" - the underused transistors in modern microprocessors. ...

Simplifying computer power behind phones, medical devices

From smart phones to medical equipment, embedded processors are everywhere and getting increasingly more powerful. One University of Houston (UH) professor's work with Texas Instruments (TI) is making it easier to develop ...

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