Google's operating system escalates Microsoft duel (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. is hoping to gain greater control over how personal computers work with its plans to develop a free operating system that will attack Microsoft Corp.'s golden goose - its long-dominant Windows franchise.

Scientists create first electronic quantum processor

A team led by Yale University researchers has created the first rudimentary solid-state quantum processor, taking another step toward the ultimate dream of building a quantum computer.

Fujitsu develops world's fastest processor

(AP) -- Japanese computer maker Fujitsu Ltd. said Wednesday that it has successfully developed the world's fastest supercomputer processing unit with more than twice the speed of the current leader.

Japan's NEC to exit supercomputer project

Japan's ailing IT giant NEC Corp. said Thursday that it would withdraw from a government-backed supercomputer project as part of its efforts to cut costs during the economic slump.

Botnet Hijacking Steals 70GB of Data

( -- Security researchers have uncovered one of the most notorious zombie networks, the Torpig botnet, by collecting 70GB of data that was stolen in just 10 days.

New 167-processor chip is super-fast, ultra energy-efficient

A new, extremely energy-efficient processor chip that provides breakthrough speeds for a variety of computing tasks has been designed by a group at the University of California, Davis. The chip, dubbed AsAP, is ultra-small, ...

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