E3 a chance to address gamers' questions

What is the next generation of gaming? It's a question the video game industry hasn't quite figured out yet, but it's one it must confront at this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo, the much-hyped Los Angeles trade show ...

AMD banks on new chips to drive comeback

After a year like last year, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is shooting for some sort of comeback. The chipmaker lost a boatload of money in 2012 as its sales of personal computer processor chips plunged amid a downturn in the ...

More woes for PC sales in 2013

More bad news for struggling makers of personal computers: a new forecast Tuesday suggests sales will fall another 7.8 percent in 2013 as buyers delay PC purchases or choose an alternative device.

Volcanoes cause climate gas concentrations to vary

Trace gases and aerosols are major factors influencing the climate. With the help of highly complex installations, such as MIPAS on board of the ENVISAT satellite, researchers try to better understand the processes in the ...

Military grooms new officers for war in cyberspace

The U.S. service academies are ramping up efforts to groom a new breed of cyberspace warriors to confront increasing threats to the nation's military and civilian computer networks that control everything from electrical ...

Most home computers, including yours, are vulnerable to attack

North Korea recently launched a cyber attack on South Korean TV stations and banks. Iran carried out a cyber campaign against U.S. banking sites. The U.S. and Israel released malware that disabled Iranian nuclear centrifuges. ...

Cell phone camera photographs microscopic cell samples

On April 11th JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) will publish a new video article by Dr. Aydogan Ozcan demonstrating how a cell phone camera can capture images from a fluorescent microscope and flow cytometer, which ...

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