Looking for loopholes in microchip security

(PhysOrg.com) -- When it comes to making sure our information is secure, sometimes researchers have to think like hackers. This is true of Avishai Wool, a professor at Tel Aviv University. Along with Ph.D. student Yossi Oren, ...

Privacy group sues to get data about NSA-Google ties

The National Security Agency should divulge information about its reported agreement with Google Inc. to help the Internet company defend itself against foreign cyber attacks, according to a lawsuit filed Monday by a privacy ...

Nanowick at heart of new system to cool 'power electronics'

Researchers have shown that an advanced cooling technology being developed for high-power electronics in military and automotive systems is capable of handling roughly 10 times the heat generated by conventional computer ...

'Condor' brings genome assembly down to Earth

(PhysOrg.com) -- Borrowing computing power from idle sources will help geneticists sidestep the multimillion-dollar cost of reconstituting the flood of data produced by next-generation genome-sequencing machines.

New Research Can Spot Cloud Computing Problems Before They Start

(PhysOrg.com) -- Large-scale computer hosting infrastructures offer a variety of services to computer users, including cloud computing - which offers users access to powerful computers and software applications hosted by ...

Swarm robotics: Hop, jump and stick (w/ Video)

A swarm of flying robots soars into a blazing forest fire. With insect-like precision and agility, the machines land on tree trunks and bound over rough terrain before deploying crucial sensors and tools to track the inferno ...

NASA Supercomputer Doubles Capability, Increases Efficiency

(PhysOrg.com) -- Pleiades, NASA’s supercomputing powerhouse, located at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., placed sixth on the Top500 list of the world's most powerful, high-performance computers. The announcement ...

Software tool helps tap into the power of graphics processing

Today's computers rely on powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) to create the spectacular graphics in video games. In fact, these GPUs are now more powerful than the traditional central processing units (CPUs) - or brains ...

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