RIM says its new BlackBerry phone in testing

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion said Wednesday that its much-delayed new smartphones are now being tested by 50 wireless carriers around the world.

Sea sponges offer hope for new medicines

(Phys.org)—Flinders University researcher Dr Jan Bekker is on a mission to chemically fingerprint South Australia's marine sponges, with the wider aim of identifying new compounds that could ultimately play an important ...

Open webOS beta is released with two build environments

(Phys.org)—Last year, there was actually a time when things were looking great for HP's webOS. Under HP's ex-chief Leo Apotheker there was talk of making the webOS a device-compatible platform of choice for cars and appliances. ...

An open platform revolutionizes biomedical-image processing

Ignacio Arganda, a young researcher from San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid) working for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the driving forces behind Fiji, an open source platform that allows for application ...

Microsoft reveals new tools for business customers

If the first day of Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference focused more on its consumer offerings, with talk of tablets and touch-centric devices, Day 2 focused squarely on Microsoft's bread and butter: its business customers.

US court lifts Samsung phone ban, keeps tablet block

A US appeals court gave Samsung a temporary reprieve Friday on the sale of its Galaxy Nexus 7 smartphones while leaving intact a court ban on US sales of its tablet computers in a patent battle with Apple.

Battle is joined for Japan's e-book market

In highly-literate and gadget-loving Japan, e-books are curiously rare -- but battle for the largely-untapped and potentially hugely lucrative market is about to commence.

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