Early look at Windows 8 baffles consumers (Update)

The release of Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system is a week away, and consumers are in for a shock. Windows, used in one form or another for a generation, is getting a completely different look that will force users to ...

Sandia builds Android-based network to study cyber disruptions

As part of ongoing research to help prevent and mitigate disruptions to computer networks on the Internet, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories in California have turned their attention to smartphones and other hand-held ...

Phone makers jockey for edge ahead of new iPhone (Update)

Nokia and Motorola have unveiled five new smartphones between them, while Amazon is expected to announce a new Kindle Fire this week before attention turns to a new iPhone from Apple next Wednesday.

Open webOS beta is released with two build environments

(Phys.org)—Last year, there was actually a time when things were looking great for HP's webOS. Under HP's ex-chief Leo Apotheker there was talk of making the webOS a device-compatible platform of choice for cars and appliances. ...

Russia unveils own 'almost Android' system

It seems that Russia's defence ministry has little faith in Google's operating systems: it has just unveiled its own encrypted version that has the remarkably familiar feel of an Android.

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