Samsung seeks US import ban on Apple products

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Thursday it had asked the US International Trade Commission to ban the import of Apple products into the United States, expanding its patent war with the US giant.

HP takes operating software into its own hands

Hewlett-Packard on Wednesday announced that it is adding its own operating software to personal computers to augment the capabilities of Microsoft's Windows.

Expanding possibilities of lunar exploration

( -- Computer science professor's software innovations give NASA robotic explorer extra capabilities, without the cost in time or money to develop mechanical components.

Virtual companions making interaction more social

Most of us interact with computers of one sort or another on a daily basis - but this 'interaction' is generally task-oriented and rather one-sided. Making computer interfaces more 'human' has been a long-standing ambition ...

Developments with Microsoft's new Windows 8 system

The launch of Windows 8 was heralded as the biggest change to the industry's dominant operating system in at least 17 years. It attempts to bridge the gap between personal computers and fast-growing tablets with its touch-enabled ...

Lmod: The 'secret sauce' behind module management at TACC

Modules "set the table" for users of high performance computing system by loading the packages each user needs. Lmod, developed at TACC, protects users so they can't load mismatched compilers, libraries, and other parts of ...

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