Tech leaders ponder future of mobile

The pace of innovation and change in mobile devices is so dizzying it is difficult to predict the winning platforms and products of the next few years.

Apple files fresh lawsuit against Samsung

US technology giant Apple said Friday it has filed a lawsuit in South Korea claiming Samsung Electronics copied its products, in the latest round of an international legal battle between the pair.

Taking brain-computer interfaces to the next phase (w/ Video)

You may have heard of virtual keyboards controlled by thought, brain-powered wheelchairs, and neuro-prosthetic limbs. But powering these machines can be downright tiring, a fact that prevents the technology from being of ...

Asus, PrimeSense to bring motion controls to PCs

(AP) -- If you've been wishing you could ditch your clunky computer mouse and control your PC with gestures - the way you can using Microsoft Corp.'s Kinect motion controller for the Xbox 360 gaming console - computer maker ...

'Fabric' would tighten the weave of online security

( -- As we become increasingly dependent on computers to manage our lives and businesses, our money and privacy become less and less secure. But now, Cornell researchers offer a way to build security into computer ...

Google tailoring tablet computer software

As iPad commanded the technology world's attention, Google continued working quietly on tablet computer software that could run rivals to Apple's latest creation.

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