'App Economy' is huge US job creator: study

The explosion of software applications for smartphones, tablet computers and Facebook has created nearly 500,000 jobs in the United States since 2007, according to a study published on Tuesday.

Judge hands Google victory in Oracle copyright fight

A federal judge on Thursday put a stake in the heart of Oracle's big-money lawsuit against Google by ruling that the application programming interfaces (APIs) at issue can't be copyrighted.

Twitter makes ad campaigns easier

Twitter on Wednesday made it easier to run ad campaigns using tweeted messages in a move that promised to ramp up the company's money-making potential and prospects for a stock market debut.

NY Times to overhaul Web design

The New York Times website is undergoing a major overhaul in an effort to become "cleaner" and more engaging, and also to improve the presentation of online ads.

Expanding possibilities of lunar exploration

(PhysOrg.com) -- Computer science professor's software innovations give NASA robotic explorer extra capabilities, without the cost in time or money to develop mechanical components.

The subtle role of surfaces in ion stickiness

How ions stick to surfaces greatly influences vital processes in everything from water purifiers to batteries. For decades, scientists have debated the mechanics of such binding, or adsorption. Certain ions in water didn't ...

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