Complete feel of user interfaces with vibrotactile feedback

Touchscreen mobile devices, phones and tablet computers, have gained prominence in our everyday life in the past years. Their user interfaces, however, make quite crude use of touch and the somatosensory system. Teemu Ahmaniemi ...

Engineers build Raspberry Pi supercomputer

(—Computational Engineers at the University of Southampton have built a supercomputer from 64 Raspberry Pi computers and Lego.

Review: Microsoft Surface straddles divide

Microsoft seems to have gotten the design and form factor right with its new Surface tablet computer. But the user interface, not so much. That's an odd conclusion to make about a device from a software company that usually ...

'No-sleep energy bugs' drain smartphone batteries

( -- Researchers have proposed a method to automatically detect a new class of software glitches in smartphones called "no-sleep energy bugs," which can entirely drain batteries while the phones are not in use.

Judge hands Google victory in Oracle copyright fight

A federal judge on Thursday put a stake in the heart of Oracle's big-money lawsuit against Google by ruling that the application programming interfaces (APIs) at issue can't be copyrighted.

Google wants Oracle copyright trial rematch

Google on Wednesday confirmed that it wants a new trial on the copyright portion of a legal battle being fought with Oracle in San Francisco federal court.

'App Economy' is huge US job creator: study

The explosion of software applications for smartphones, tablet computers and Facebook has created nearly 500,000 jobs in the United States since 2007, according to a study published on Tuesday.

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