Art project draws US Secret Service interest

A New York electronic artist who took pictures of shoppers using computers in Apple stores as part of a project has drawn the attention of the US Secret Service.

Two Latvians indicted in US in 'scareware' scam

Two Latvians have been indicted and dozens of computers and servers seized in the United States and Europe in a crackdown on international cybercrime, the US Justice Department said Wednesday.

Sony cuts deal with PlayStation 3 hacker

Sony on Monday said a US hacker has agreed to stop breaking into PlayStation 3 (PS3) videogame consoles as part of a deal made to drop a lawsuit filed by the Japanese consumer electronics giant.

Anonymous vows payback for case against PS3 hacker

Internet vigilante group Anonymous has vowed retribution against Sony for taking legal action against hackers that cracked PlayStation 3 (PS3) defenses to change console operating software.

India's fraud-hit Satyam seeks delisting from NYSE

India's fraud-hit software firm Satyam Computers said on Friday it plans to delist from the New York stock exchange as it may not be able to meet the US deadline to file restated financial accounts.

10 arrested in European raids on Internet piracy

(AP) -- Belgian police say 10 people have been arrested in raids across Europe against hackers who put illegal copies of movies and television series on the Internet.

Estonian hacker pleads not guilty to bilking cash

An extradited Estonian hacker has pled not guilty to bilking the Royal Bank of Scotland of nine million dollars in a single day by tampering with its payroll debit cards around the world, US officials have said.

3 indicted in $100 million Internet 'scareware' scheme

Three men have been indicted in connection with a Ukraine-based fraud scheme which tricked Internet users into believing their computers were infected and collected some 100 million dollars, officials said Thursday.

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