MacArthur's 2022 'genius grant' winners picked to inspire

A specialist in plastic waste management, artists, musicians, computer scientists, and a poet-ornithologist who advocates for Black people in nature are among this year's 25 winners of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur ...

Intel Labs Aims to Reinvent How People Experience Computing

At the Intel Labs' annual Research at Intel media event today, Intel Corporation Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner announced a new research division, called Interaction and Experience Research (IXR), that is focused ...

Weather in a Tank

In recent years, U.S. undergraduates have shown an increasing interest in introductory meteorology, oceanography and climate classes. But many students find it difficult to grasp the non-intuitive nature of rotating fluids, ...

'Immersive Dome' -- don't just watch, join the action

The "Immersive Dome" puts viewers at the heart of the action and lets them actively participate. Instead of the conventional surround sound, a three-dimensional aural experience awaits visitors. At IBC, the trade show for ...

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