Chips with everything

( -- While the technology to make computer chips smaller and cheaper progresses each year, the fundamental structure of the chip - the computer architecture - has remained the same for decades. This led Professor ...

Improved wind tunnel testing of aircraft models

When testing numerical predictions regarding performance of aircraft, wind tunnels are still the next best thing to actual flight. EU-funded researchers improved the accuracy of test measurements with important implications ...

Skype makes monsters of us all

When God saw that our egos needed deflating, he invented Skype. Skype is the 21st-century invention that sci-fi movies had been predicting for decades: phonavision. Actually it's "computavision," with a tiny camera at the ...

First Apple computer fetches $374,000

A rare surviving first model of the Apple computer -- a stripped down, clunky device that bears no resemblance to today's sleek gadgets -- sold for $374,000 at auction in New York on Friday.

Designer has DIY kit for turning objects into UAVs

( —When an independent designer comments that his interest is "in taking stuff away from the computer screen" and finding ways to interact with information in more interesting ways, then it is not unreasonable ...

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