Research unveils birthplace of gold-rich stars

A team of researchers from the University of Notre Dame and Tohoku University have revealed the birthplace of so-called "gold-rich" stars—stars with an abundance of heavy elements beyond iron, including the "jewelry store ...

Growing crystals to generate random numbers

A team at the University of Glasgow has developed a novel way to generate random numbers by using the randomness inherent in crystal growth. In their paper published in the journal Matter, the group describes using chemistry ...

New tool enables powerful data analysis

( -- A powerful computing tool that allows scientists to extract features and patterns from enormously large and complex sets of raw data has been developed by scientists at University of California, Davis, and ...

Hybrid memory device for superconducting computing

A team of NIST scientists has devised and demonstrated a novel nanoscale memory technology for superconducting computing that could hasten the advent of an urgently awaited, low-energy alternative to power-hungry conventional ...

Drought, deluge turned stable landslide into disaster

"Stable landslide" sounds like a contradiction in terms, but there are indeed places on Earth where land has been creeping downhill slowly, stably and harmlessly for as long as a century. But stability doesn't necessarily ...

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