Computational thinking, 10 years later

"Not in my lifetime." That's what I said when I was asked whether we would ever see computer science taught in K-12. It was 2009, and I was addressing a gathering of attendees to a workshop on computational thinking convened ...

Securing data from tomorrow's supercomputers

For the powerful quantum computers that will be developed in the future, cracking online bank account details and credit cards number will be a cinch.

Hyperconnectivity and the future of internet communication

"Hyperconnectivity and the Future of Internet Communication" (Lambert Academic Publishing, May 2015) is the title of a new book edited by City University London Professor of Pervasive Computing, Professor Adrian Cheok.

If we'd used the cloud, we might know where MH370 is now

As the biggest ever hunt for a missing plane continues, many are beginning to wonder if we will ever know what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. If the plane has crashed, it has been suggested that it could take ...

X-ray vision for road diggers: The next quantum leap?

Quantum mechanics has been hailed as the next big thing in technology. And quantum computers are a media favourite. But there is a little-known quantum technology that can peer beneath the earth, which could be ready before ...

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