Samsung seeks US import ban on Apple products

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Thursday it had asked the US International Trade Commission to ban the import of Apple products into the United States, expanding its patent war with the US giant.

Optical circuit enables new approach to quantum technologies

Professor Jeremy O'Brien, Director of the University of Bristol's Centre for Quantum Photonics, and his Japanese colleagues have demonstrated a quantum logic gate acting on four particles of light -- photons. The researchers ...

Gulf currents primed bacteria to degrade oil spill

A new computer model of the Gulf of Mexico in the period after the oil spill provides insights into how underwater currents may have primed marine microorganisms to degrade the oil.

Drafting without drivers

Fewer accidents, less fuel consumption, and fewer traffic jams: Autonomous, computer-controlled vehicles have many advantages in road traffic. In particular, if many cars join to form long convoys. On May 14 and 15, 2011, ...

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