An infallible quantum measurement

Entanglement is a key resource for upcoming quantum computers and simulators. Now, physicists in Innsbruck and Geneva realized a new, reliable method to verify entanglement in the laboratory using a minimal number of assumptions ...

New mobile health provision services that could change your life

Mobile eHealth is the practice of medicine and public health provision supported by mobile communication devices. Most commonly, this involves the use of mobile phones, tablet computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs) ...

The heart of space weather observed in action

Two NASA spacecraft have provided the most comprehensive movie ever of a mysterious process at the heart of all explosions on the sun: magnetic reconnection. Magnetic reconnection happens when magnetic field lines come together, ...

Spread of DNA databases sparks ethical concerns

You can ditch your computer and leave your cellphone at home, but you can't escape your DNA. It belongs uniquely to you—and, increasingly, to the authorities.

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