Fundamental flaw in transistor noise theory discovered

( -- Chip manufacturers beware: There's a newfound flaw in our understanding of transistor noise, a phenomenon affecting the electronic on-off switch that makes computer circuits possible. According to the engineers ...

Danish chemists in molecular chip breakthrough

Electronic components built from single molecules using chemical synthesis could pave the way for smaller, faster and more green and sustainable electronic devices. Now for the first time, a transistor made from just one ...

A new twist for quantum systems

Physicists at ETH Zurich have developed a method for precisely controlling quantum systems by exploiting a trick that helps cats to land on their feet and motorists to fit their cars into parking spots. In the longer run, ...

Manipulating light on a chip for quantum technologies

( -- A team of physicists and engineers at Bristol University has demonstrated exquisite control of single particles of light β€” photons β€” on a silicon chip to make a major advance towards long-sought-after ...

Study paves way for development of advanced quantum networks

The ability to transmit information coherently in the band of the electromagnetic spectrum from microwave to infrared is vitally important to the development of the advanced quantum networks used in computing and communications.

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