What do you do with a shrunken laser?

The laser is so small you need a microscope to see it properly. But it's not just the size that scientists at Sandia National Laboratories are excited about.

Thailand flooding could affect PC supplies, prices

(AP) -- The personal computer industry, already reeling from depressed demand, has been dealt another setback: Massive flooding in Thailand has curtailed production of a critical component - computer storage drives.

New research embraces laser and sparks cool affair

Bulky and noisy air-conditioning compressors and refrigerators may soon be a thing of the past. With the latest discovery by scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), current cooling systems which uses refrigerant ...

Indian schools to benefit from new computer chips

An educational initiative between Rice University computer scientists and Indian educators will enable schools in rural India to be some of the first to benefit from Rice's revolutionary, low-energy computer chips.

Apple's Siri fuels boom in voice technology

Call it the "Siri effect." With Apple expected to unveil on Wednesday a new iPhone with added capabilities for Siri, its voice-activated digital assistant, industry experts say two factors are driving an explosion of voice-enabled ...

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