Nokia engineer blogs on Windows 8 game hacks

(—Nokia Engineer Justin Angel works with Windows 8 and decided to share on his blog site what he eventually discovered: Various tactics can succeed in pirating Windows 8 games distributed through the Microsoft ...

Footwear forensics: CSI needs to tread carefully

A new computer algorithm can analyze the footwear marks left at a crime scene according to clusters of footwear types, makes and tread patterns even if the imprint recorded by crime scene investigators is distorted or only ...

Computer can infer rules of the forest

A forest full of rabbits and foxes, a bubbling vat of chemical reactants, and complex biochemical circuitry within a cell are, to a computer, similar systems: Many scenarios can play out depending on a fixed set of rules ...

Are computer-aided decisions actually fair?

Algorithmic fairness is increasingly important because as more decisions of greater importance are made by computer programs, the potential for harm grows. Today, algorithms are already widely used to determine credit scores, ...

Safer vehicles brake and steer out of harm's way

Scientists at Chalmers University in Göteborg, Sweden, are working with a team at car manufacturer Volvo to develop a vehicle control system that can take over steering and breaking when it detects an imminent collision. ...

Google-style ranking used to describe gene connectivity

Using the technique known as "Gene Rank" (GR), Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center investigator Eugene Demidenko, PhD, captured and described a new characterization of gene connectivity in "Microarray Enriched Gene Rank," ...

Thwarting attacks on cell phone mesh networks

A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) or cell phone mesh network uses software to transparently hook together numerous active cell phones in a location to provide greater bandwidth and better network connections by allowing users ...

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