Seeing things: Researchers teach computers to recognize objects

( -- If computers could recognize objects, they could automatically search through hours of video footage for a particular two-minute scene. A tourist strolling down a street in a strange city could take a cell-phone ...

Computing project combats Blackjack card counting

( -- A University of Dundee graduate has created a computer system with the potential to make the game of Blackjack fairer by detecting card counters and dealer errors.

Program does impressive file size reductions

We intuitively understand the value of being able to make things smaller without sacrificing performance. The endeavor produces smaller speakers with bigger sound and a host of portable electronic devices such as digital ...

First-ever calculation performed on optical quantum computer chip

( -- A primitive quantum computer that uses single particles of light (photons) whizzing through a silicon chip has performed its first mathematical calculation. This is the first time a calculation has been performed ...

Next-generation sound systems to minimise background noise

( -- The whole listening experience in cars, cinemas, theatres, and even during videoconferences, is likely to improve radically thanks to a new set of tools for application development being assembled by European ...

Touch typists could help stop spammers in their tracks

( -- Computer scientists at Newcastle University are about to give office workers a perfect excuse to play games: it's all in the name of research. Dr Jeff Yan, together with his PhD student Su-Yang Yu, has created ...

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