Scalable device for quantum information processing

( -- Researchers in NPL's Quantum Detection Group have demonstrated for the first time a monolithic 3D ion microtrap array which could be scaled up to handle several tens of ion-based quantum bits (qubits). The research, ...

New reporter? Call him Al, for algorithm

The new reporter on the US media scene takes no coffee breaks, churns out articles at lightning speed, and has no pension plan.

Sharing data links in networks of cars

Wi-Fi is coming to our cars. Ford Motor Co. has been equipping cars with Wi-Fi transmitters since 2010; according to an Agence France-Presse story last year, the company expects that by 2015, 80 percent of the cars it sells ...

Getting a feel for the terrain

A team is developing a rover-based computer system that can identify geologically relevant elements in a camera scene.

Robotics: Gesturing for control

New intelligent algorithms could help robots to quickly recognize and respond to human gestures. Researchers at A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research in Singapore have created a computer program which recognises human gestures ...

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