Laptop revolution: New class design saves schools money, space

Universities around the country are struggling with shrinking budgets, even as they need to cater to the needs of an increasing number of students. New research from North Carolina State University shows that one way to cut ...

New tool predicts crop yields in the southeastern US

Researchers have developed a computer model that forecasts yield for four key crops in the southeastern United States: cotton, corn, sorghum, and soybeans. The tool is designed to help farmers and government water resource ...

Researchers developing new type of internet search engine

( -- Computer scientists at the University of Glasgow are participating in a new project to develop a search engine which will draw its results from sensors located in the physical world.

New system helps deafblind people to communicate

A team of researchers from the Alcoy campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València, together with the companies Innovatec and Indra, has designed a new device to help deafblind people to communicate and surf the Internet. ...

The sum of knowledge -- online and accessible, no less

( -- European researchers are creating new technology that could, ultimately, make accessible the sum of humankind's knowledge. Hundreds of organisations and millions of documents are already linked to this "United ...

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