Entering the strange world of ultra-cold chemistry

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have received a $900,000 grant from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to study the unusual chemical and physical properties of atoms and molecules ...

Algorithm finds best places to put cameras for 3-D reconstructions

An online algorithm devised by Disney Research enables filmmakers to determine the optimal number and location of cameras for capturing a given scene, enabling them to amass the data that they increasingly want and need during ...

Computer scientists introduce new graphics software

Computer scientists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst led by Evangelos Kalogerakis today unveiled a new software modeling program that uses sophisticated geometric matching and machine learning to successfully ...

Imaging techniques help rebuild ancient fauna

A paper summarising a 20-year study into Ordovician-Late Devonian microfauna has revealed new histological data aiding taxonomy and palaeographic reconstructions.

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