New view of tectonic plates

( -- Computational scientists and geophysicists at the University of Texas at Austin and the California Institute of Technology have developed new computer algorithms that for the first time allow for the simultaneous ...

Soil moisture study aims for climate change insights

A new $26-million NASA project led by a University of Michigan researcher aims to help clarify how ecosystems exchange carbon with the atmosphere, an important piece of missing knowledge in the quest to understand, predict, ...

Scientists decipher structure of nature's 'light switch'

( -- When the first warm rays of springtime sunshine trigger a burst of new plant growth, it's almost as if someone flicked a switch to turn on the greenery and unleash a floral profusion of color. Opening a window ...

Russia in secret plan to save Earth from asteroid: official

Russian scientists will soon meet in secret to work on a plan for saving Earth from a possible catastrophic collision with a giant asteroid in 26 years, the head of Russia's space agency said Wednesday.

Putting the squeeze on data

( -- Data compression is one of the fundamental research areas in computer science, letting information systems do more with less. It’s the reason the iPod nano can hold thousands of songs instead of hundreds, ...

'Fighting' IED attacks with SCARE technology

( -- University of Maryland researchers have developed and successfully tested new computer software and computational techniques to analyze patterns of improvised explosive device (IED) attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan ...

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