NASA's IceBridge finishing up successful Arctic campaign

With several weeks of science flights in the books, researchers with NASA's Operation IceBridge are on the way to completing another successful campaign to maintain and expand a dataset that started with NASA's ICESat in ...

E-text rivals paper in these 'United Slates'

( —If you're reading a textbook, checking reference volumes, viewing online documents, compiling handwritten notes, flipping paper pages or marking text with a highlighter, you're no longer a casual reader. Cross ...

Computer scientists suggest new spin on origins of evolvability

Scientists have long observed that species seem to have become increasingly capable of evolving in response to changes in the environment. But computer science researchers now say that the popular explanation of competition ...

Scientists create biggest family tree of human cells

In a paper published today by the prestigious journal, Nature Methods, biologists at the University of Luxembourg, Tampere University of Technology and the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, USA, have created the biggest ...

Supercomputers could generate warnings for stock crashes

Powerful computers can wreak havoc on U.S. stock markets, creating hair-raising volatility and eroding investor confidence in the lightning-fast search for profit. But far more powerful computers could help save it.

More efficient and reliable robotic-control systems

When a robot is moving one of its limbs through free space, its behavior is well-described by a few simple equations. But as soon as it strikes something solid—when a walking robot's foot hits the ground, or a grasping ...

Curiosity rover exits 'safe mode'

( —NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has returned to active status and is on track to resume science investigations, following two days in a precautionary standby status, "safe mode."

Google buys machine learning startup

Google said Wednesday that it has bought a Canadian startup specializing in getting machines to understand what people are trying to say.

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