Quantum computing could get boost from discovery of Q-silicon

Researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered a new distinct form of silicon called Q-silicon which, among other interesting properties, is ferromagnetic at room temperature. The findings could lead to advances ...

40-year-old algorithm proven the best possible

Comparing the genomes of different species—or different members of the same species—is the basis of a great deal of modern biology. DNA sequences that are conserved across species are likely to be functionally important, ...

A coding curriculum for beginners and their teachers

Microsoft has released a new computer science curriculum designed for teens who may not have expressed much interest in computer programming – and teachers who don't necessarily have any background in the field, either.

New computer programme replicates handwriting

In a world increasingly dominated by the QWERTY keyboard, UCL computer scientists have developed software which may spark the comeback of the handwritten word by analysing the handwriting of any individual and accurately ...

A new quantum approach to big data

From gene mapping to space exploration, humanity continues to generate ever-larger sets of data—far more information than people can actually process, manage, or understand.

Identifying a new, cleaner source for white light

When early humans discovered how to harness fire, they were able to push back against the nightly darkness that enveloped them. With the invention and widespread adoption of electricity, it became easier to separate heat ...

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