Computational sprinting pushes smartphones till they're tired

( -- Computational sprinting is a groundbreaking new approach to smartphone power and cooling that could give users dramatic, brief bursts of computing capability to improve current applications and make new ones ...

Green 'Oakley Cluster' to double OSC computing power

Researchers using Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) resources can now conduct even more innovative academic and industrial research by accessing Ohio's newest energy-efficient, GPU-accelerated supercomputer system.

Smartphone app illuminates power consumption

( -- A new application for the Android smartphone shows users and software developers how much power their applications are consuming. PowerTutor was developed by doctoral students and professors at the University ...

MIT, Intel unveil new initiatives addressing 'big data'

MIT has been selected from among 55 institutions that submitted 157 proposals to host a new Intel research center that will concentrate on what’s come to be called “big data” -- new techniques for organizing ...

Experts explain why big data is a big deal

Turns out even the experts have difficulty wrapping their heads around the concept of how quickly – and drastically – what's come to be called 'big data' has changed our daily lives.

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