Self-repairing software tackles malware

University of Utah computer scientists have developed software that not only detects and eradicates never-before-seen viruses and other malware, but also automatically repairs damage caused by them. The software then prevents ...

Numbers limit how accurately digital computers model chaos

The study, published today in Advanced Theory and Simulations, shows that digital computers cannot reliably reproduce the behaviour of 'chaotic systems' which are widespread. This fundamental limitation could have implications ...

A basis for all cryptography

"Indistinguishability obfuscation" is a powerful concept that would yield provably secure versions of every cryptographic system we've ever developed and all those we've been unable to develop. But nobody knows how to put ...

Machine learning to scale up the quantum computer

,,Quantum computers are expected to offer tremendous computational power for complex problems –currently intractable even on supercomputers—in the areas of drug design, data science, astronomy and materials chemistry ...

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