High-frequency stock trade risky, unfair: experts

The increasing power of computerized high-frequency trades on US markets has been assailed in Congress as dangerous and unfair, as pressure builds to reel in the powerful industry.

Crowdsourcing breakthrough treatments for blood infections

If asked how today's toughest medical problems are being solved, most people would probably envision highly skilled physicians and scientists working countless hours with sophisticated lab equipment, not people sitting in ...

A good guessing method makes supercomputing more efficient

In his doctoral dissertation, Kurt Baarman, a researcher from Aalto University, developed methods for making electron density calculations more efficient. These methods can also be applied to pharmaceutical development.

Nasdaq caused $35 mn loss in Facebook IPO: broker

A New York broker has asked Nasdaq to compensate it for up to $35 million in losses on the Facebook initial public offering due to the market's computer problems on the first day of trade.

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