Student devises novel way to detect hackers

Patricia Moat gets a thrill from protecting people. As a youngster, she trained in martial arts. Later, she ran into burning buildings as a volunteer firefighter. Now she's finding new ways to protect American computer networks.

Creating accountable anonymity online

The World Wide Web is, in many ways, still the Wild West. Though a large portion of internet traffic is monitored and traceable, systems like the Tor Project allow users to post and share anything anonymously. Anonymous systems ...

Graphene could yield cheaper optical chips

Graphene—which consists of atom-thick sheets of carbon atoms arranged hexagonally—is the new wonder material: Flexible, lightweight and incredibly conductive electrically, it's also the strongest material known to man.

iPhone 5S fingerprint scanning: Thumbs up or down?

Technology to acquire and use biometric data such as fingerprints has been around for several decades and has made its way from forensic investigation to laptop computers – and now, with this week's introduction of iPhone ...

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