Crops watering by phone

Thanks to a new app, smart phones could help monitor irrigation water use according to need. This could ensure that food is available on our table is the produced in a sustainable way.

Your right size without measuring for online shopping

A group of PHD students from the Computer Vision Centre (Universitat Autònoma de Bacelona) have developed an app called Verisize with which you can know your right size for any brand and garment when buying online. This ...

New software forecasts noise levels in the street

University of Granada researchers are working on the application of neural networks to develop a urban noise forecasting model, which would be very useful to people who is interested in buying a new house.

Computer scientist drives for comprehensive traffic model

Traffic and transit information from smart phones, online maps, or radio and TV is not as timely or accurate as it could be, given all the untapped data that could provide a truly dynamic regional traffic picture.

CO2 bonds in sea ice: Small living creatures with major impact

Due to the presence of salts, the freezing point of sea water is below zero. During freezing, channels in which the salt accumulates, so-called "brine channels," are formed in the ice. They serve as a habitat for microorganisms. ...

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