The future of hardware is AI

AI workloads are different from the calculations most of our current computers are built to perform. AI implies prediction, inference, intuition. But the most creative machine learning algorithms are hamstrung by machines ...

Quantum machine learning

Language acquisition in young children is apparently connected with their ability to detect patterns. In their learning process, they search for patterns in the data set that help them identify and optimize grammar structures ...

Video: How machine learning is transforming the world around us

"Siri, will it rain today?", "Facebook, tag my friend in this photo." These are just two examples of the incredible things that we ask computers to do for us. But, have you ever asked yourself how computers know how to do ...

How computers help biologists crack life's secrets

Once the three-billion-letter-long human genome was sequenced, we rushed into a new "omics" era of biological research. Scientists are now racing to sequence the genomes (all the genes) or proteomes (all the proteins) of ...

How teams of computers and humans can fight disasters

Over the past five years, researchers from Oxford University have been working on a collaborative project called ORCHID to develop new ways for humans and computers to work together.

Stanford launches new free course on iPhone/iPad apps

( —Stanford's incredibly popular online course, Developing Apps for iPhone and iPad, is now available for iOS 7 on iTunes U. As always, this free course is available to anyone, anywhere.

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