Tracking gunfire with a smartphone

( —You are walking down the street with a friend. A shot is fired. The two of you duck behind the nearest cover and you pull out your smartphone. A map of the neighborhood pops up on its screen with a large red ...

'Friendly' privacy concerns on Facebook?

In recent years, social network sites such as Facebook have become hugely popular platforms that provide users with various features to facilitate social connectivity, information sharing and relationship development. However, ...

New software alleviates wireless traffic

The explosive popularity of wireless devices—from WiFi laptops to Bluetooth headsets to ZigBee sensor nodes—is increasingly clogging the airwaves, resulting in dropped calls, wasted bandwidth and botched connections. ...

New kit pumps up 3-D feedback

A brand new computer system which provides 3-D feedback on weightlifting performance will now be taken to another level by a Lancaster University scientist.

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