Cleaning up the atmosphere with quantum computing

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases daily with no sign of stopping or slowing. Too much of civilization depends on the burning of fossil fuels, and even if we can develop a replacement energy source, ...

3D-snapshots of nanoparticles

X-ray diffraction has been used for more than a hundred years to understand the structure of crystals or proteins—for instance, in 1952 the well-known double helix structure of the DNA that carries genetic information was ...

Securing supply chains with quantum computing

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic have shown how vulnerable global supply chains can be. International events can disrupt manufacturing, delay shipping, induce panic buying and send energy costs soaring.

Novel method helps recover obscured images

A novel method that produces a clear image by using a simple cost-effective random scattering medium in real time could help overcome problems of obscured images.

Using 'cat states' to realize fault-tolerant quantum computers

Error correction in quantum computers could be simplified by a new protocol proposed by an all-RIKEN team based on "cat states." It could cut the computing resources needed to fix errors to the same level as conventional ...

Could AI play a role in the justice system?

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to its deployment in courtrooms overseas. In China, robot judges decide on small claim cases, while in some Malaysian courts, AI has been used to recommend sentences ...

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