Most home computers, including yours, are vulnerable to attack

North Korea recently launched a cyber attack on South Korean TV stations and banks. Iran carried out a cyber campaign against U.S. banking sites. The U.S. and Israel released malware that disabled Iranian nuclear centrifuges. ...

European fusion computer comes to Julich

A new supercomputer will help us to understand the complex physical effects taking place inside the ITER fusion reactor. The computer known as HPC-FF will deliver computing power of about 100 teraflop/s and is optimally suited ...

Researchers demystify centralization in cryptocurrency mining

Blockchain technology has been considered as the most revolutionizing invention since the internet. Due to its immutable nature and the associated security and privacy benefits, it has attracted the attention of banks, governments, ...

Newest system mechanic adds energy boost, more

Walk into any convenience store these days and you'll see those little energy booster bottles next to the register, containing a drink that gives you a jolt of power when you really need it and gets you firing on all cylinders. ...

Safe navigation for visually impaired persons

Blind and visually impaired persons find it very difficult to move about in unknown environments. The white canes used by them are still the preferred tools for orientation. The project "A Mobility and Navigational Aid for ...

Apple's Siri fuels boom in voice technology

Call it the "Siri effect." With Apple expected to unveil on Wednesday a new iPhone with added capabilities for Siri, its voice-activated digital assistant, industry experts say two factors are driving an explosion of voice-enabled ...

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