Using nanophotonics to reshape on-chip computer data transmission

A team at Stanford's School of Engineering has demonstrated an ultrafast nanoscale light emitting diode (LED) that is orders of magnitude lower in power consumption than today's laser-based systems and able to transmit data ...

New method to understand superconductors

Researchers at The Open University have devised a new method to understand the processes that happen when atoms cool which could lead to new materials for superconducting power grids and widespread use of magnetic resonance ...

New research highlights the key role of ozone in climate change

Many of the complex computer models which are used to predict climate change could be missing an important ozone 'feedback' factor in their calculations of future global warming, according to new research led by the University ...

'Thinking machines' will run future power grids

( -- Plans to develop the "smart" grid - a system that uses intelligent computer networks to manage electric power - cannot succeed without the creation of new "thinking machines" that can learn and adapt to new ...

NASA Supercomputer Doubles Capability, Increases Efficiency

( -- Pleiades, NASA’s supercomputing powerhouse, located at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., placed sixth on the Top500 list of the world's most powerful, high-performance computers. The announcement ...

Researchers detect and classify multiple objects without images

Researchers have developed a new high-speed way to detect the location, size and category of multiple objects without acquiring images or requiring complex scene reconstruction. Because the new approach greatly decreases ...

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