Stanford parallel programming course available online for free

Through a new course posted online for free, the Stanford School of Engineering and NVIDIA Corp. will give a big boost to programmers who want to take advantage of the substantial processing power of the graphics processing ...

Symantec warns of new Stuxnet-like virus

US security firm Symantec has warned of a new computer virus similar to the malicious Stuxnet worm believed to have preyed on Iran's nuclear program.

'Digital ants' seek viruses to protect computer networks

As the nation's electrical power grid becomes more interconnected through the Internet -- from the nuclear power plant in California to transmission lines in Texas to the microwave in your kitchen -- the chances of cyber ...

Cockroaches offer inspiration for running robots

The sight of a cockroach scurrying for cover may be nauseating, but the insect is also a biological and engineering marvel, and is providing researchers at Oregon State University with what they call "bioinspiration" in a ...

Longest microwave quantum link

Physicists at ETH Zurich have demonstrated a five-meter-long microwave quantum link, the longest of its kind to date. It can be used both for future quantum computer networks and for experiments in basic quantum physics research.

'Super' simulations offer fresh insight into serotonin receptors

Scientists at the University of Maryland (UMD) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have discovered a way to detect the molecular mechanism by which 5HT3A, a serotonin receptor located at the neuron ...

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