Historic Indian sword was masterfully crafted

The master craftsmanship behind Indian swords was highlighted when scientists and conservationists from Italy and the UK joined forces to study a curved single-edged sword called a shamsheer. The study, led by Eliza Barzagli ...

Risk analysis for a complex world

Developing adaptable systems for finance and international relations could help reduce the risk of major systemic collapses such as the 2008 financial crisis, according to a new analysis.

Network research needs to focus on temporality and weightedness

The study of complex networks in statistical physics and computational science has become more and more focused on so-called dynamic networks. Where traditional approaches have treated the links in networks as static, contemporary ...

Russia's Yandex turns 15 hoping for iPhone deal

Russia's ambitious search engine Yandex turned 15 on Sunday having staved off a challenge from Google and is now coveting the elusive prize of becoming the default map provider of Apple's iconic iPhones.

Life's molecules could lie within reach of Mars Curiosity rover

Stick a shovel in the ground and scoop. That's about how deep scientists need to go in order to find evidence for ancient life on Mars, if there is any to be found, a new study suggests. That's within reach of Curiosity, ...

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