Weaker transcription factors are better when they work together

Bioengineers can tailor the genomes of cells to create "cellular therapies" that fight disease, but they have found it difficult to design specialized activating proteins called transcription factors that can throw the switch ...

Orbiting astronaut oversees robot team on Earth

Astronaut Frank Rubio aboard the International Space Station collaborated with a small team of robots on Earth to accomplish a complex task—a first test of a new approach to combine human and robotic capabilities for our ...

Are the fish in your aquarium happy? Five things to look out for

If 1,500 captive mammals suffocated to death in a zoo, their suffering would spark an outcry. So when a Berlin hotel aquarium exploded at the end of 2022, why did so few people comment on the welfare of the fish? Aquatic ...

How smart is an octopus?

The unique brainpower of octopuses—known for their intelligence and Houdini-like escapes—has been revealed by University of Queensland researchers.

Shape-morphing microrobots deliver drugs to cancer cells

Chemotherapy successfully treats many forms of cancer, but the side effects can wreak havoc on the rest of the body. Delivering drugs directly to cancer cells could help reduce these unpleasant symptoms. Now, in a proof-of-concept ...

New tool changes the game for heterogeneous material modeling

The performance and safety of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) can be attributed to complex electrode microstructures. Microstructure analysis at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) aims to apply in-depth knowledge ...

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