Webb looks for Fomalhaut's asteroid belt and finds much more

Astronomers used NASA's James Webb Space Telescope to image the warm dust around a nearby young star, Fomalhaut, in order to study the first asteroid belt ever seen outside of our solar system in infrared light. But to their ...

Predicting human group sizes with physics

Only by knowing the average number of friends each person has, scientists at Complexity Science Hub (CSH) were able to predict the group sizes of people in a computer game. For this purpose, they modeled the formation of ...

Chemists create framework for the oxidation of hydrocarbons

RUDN University chemists have created new copper-containing metallasilsesquioxane frameworks. Some of them have proven to be effective catalysts for the oxidation of hydrocarbons. The results are published in Molecules.

Neutron experiments reveal what maintains good function in bones

Around 500 million years ago, early vertebrates in the seas became fish, adopting an inner skeleton and a flexible spine based on a nanocomposite of fibers and mineral, known as bone material. This "invention" of evolution ...

Team creates crystals that generate electricity from heat

To convert heat into electricity, easily accessible materials from harmless raw materials open up new perspectives in the development of safe and inexpensive so-called "thermoelectric materials." A synthetic copper mineral ...

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