Ultrasensitive photon hunter

When it comes to imaging, every single photon counts if there is barely any available light. This is the point where the latest technologies often reach their limits. Researchers have now developed a diode that can read photons ...

Nanodot-based memory sets new world speed record

Record speed, low-voltage, and ultra-small size make nanodots a "triple threat" for electronic memory in computers and other electronic devices.

3-D, after-the-fact focus image sensors invented

(PhysOrg.com) -- At the heart of digital photography is a chip called an image sensor that captures a map of the intensity of the light as it comes through the lens and converts it to an electronic signal.

HELIOS makes silicon breakthrough

Researchers in Europe have succeeded in presenting an integrated tuneable transmitter on silicon - the first time this has ever happened. This results are an outcome of the HELIOS ('Photonics electronics functional integration ...

Vertical silicon nanowires for nonvolatile memory devices

As electronic devices become smaller and more sophisticated, the search for compact nonvolatile memory becomes increasingly important. However, conventional silicon technologies, such as complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor ...

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