Google co-founder Brin prefers Yahoo! without Bing

Google co-founder Sergey Brin has expressed amazement at resistance to the Internet giant's efforts to digitize the world's books and lamented a deal to have Microsoft handle online search at Yahoo!

Rating platforms drive sales at tourist-area NYC eateries

Ratings on platforms such as Yelp and TripAdvisor can greatly impact high-priced New York City restaurants that service tourists, but have less of an effect on restaurants frequented by "locals" outside of tourist areas, ...

Biogas from animal waste in need of maturity

Biogas-based energy could solve both the environmental concern of agricultural waste and reduce dependency of fossil fuels, particularly in Eastern Europe, albeit at a steep production cost.

Nokia abandons Japan market

Nokia Corp., battered by the popularity of smartphones, is abandoning the Japanese market, after a brief foray with luxury cell phones costing as much as 20 million yen ($250,000).

EU says Microsoft seeks hearing in antitrust case

Microsoft is seeking a hearing from EU antitrust regulators in its defence against accusations of unfairly crushing rivals in the web browser market, the European Commission said Wednesday.

Research defines 'sport shopping'

The finish line is in sight, the rush of victory just past the cash register, the trophy flung hastily into a shopping cart.

Biggest 2 Australian telcos join broadband rollout

(AP) -- Australia's two largest telecommunications companies signed lucrative deals with the government to join the rollout of a fiber optic national broadband network that will be among the world's fastest.

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