The top 10 highest-paid female CEOs

Female CEOs are outpacing their male colleagues in pay, although they remain vastly outnumbered in the top echelons of American companies.

Yahoo! paid ex-chief $16 mn in final year

Former Yahoo! chief executive Carol Bartz received a $16.4 million compensation package during her last year on the job in 2011, the company said in a regulatory filing.

Performance pay is a good lesson for education, expert finds

Tuesday, President Barack Obama announced a new education reform, calling for a merit-pay system for teachers in hopes of improving student performance. As the nation's public schools spend $187 billion in salaries, based ...

Climate migrants could face a world of closing doors

People driven from their homes as global warming redraws the map of habitable zones are unlikely to find refuge in countries more focused on slamming shut their borders than planning for a climate-addled future, according ...

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