Researchers urge alliances to ensure supply chain security

Understanding supply networks could have a significant impact on improving supply security, promoting and objective monitoring of the green transition, strengthening human rights compliance, and reducing tax evasion. International ...

Study outlines one way employers can head off 'quiet quitting'

A recent study from North Carolina State University finds that companies can address "quiet quitting" among employees by ensuring employees spend time with other people who identify with the company. The findings can inform ...

Using cell phone networks to monitor volcanic activity

A paper published February 9 in Earth, Planets and Space by Japanese earth science researchers analyzed the potential of a dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network, which is installed at cell phone base stations, ...

New tool reveals ultimate owners of companies

Researchers from Skoltech, the European University at St. Petersburg, and Lomonosov Moscow State University have developed an algorithm that detects the ultimate controlling owners of companies. Applicable to datasets with ...

EU okays IBM's $34 bn buyout of Red Hat

The EU's powerful anti-trust authority on Thursday cleared the buyout by IBM of open source software company Red Hat, one of the biggest tech mergers in history which the computing giant said would enhance its cloud offerings.

Zuckerberg says US govt inaction allowed fake news to spread

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg said Wednesday that a lack of action by US authorities on fake political content on the platform after the 2016 US election helped pave the way for a subsequent avalanche of online disinformation.

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