Breakthrough could double wireless capacity with no new towers

The days of waiting for smartphones to upload video may be numbered. Rice University engineering researchers have made a breakthrough that could allow wireless phone companies to double throughput on their networks without ...

FCC says it has compromise on key broadband rules (Update)

(AP) -- The head of the Federal Communications Commission thinks he has come up with a way to salvage his ambitious national broadband plans without running into legal obstacles that have threatened to derail him.

People online might not be as outraged as you think

Many social media users are fed-up with the divisiveness and extremism that they encounter on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. But this kind of content is more pervasive than ever. What explains the mismatch?

Using a standard RGB camera and AI to obtain vegetation data

Aerial imagery is a valuable component of precision agriculture, providing farmers with important information about crop health and yield. Images are typically obtained with an expensive multispectral camera attached to a ...

AI analyzes cell movement under the microscope

The enormous amount of data obtained by filming biological processes using a microscope has previously been an obstacle for analyses. Using artificial intelligence (AI), researchers at the University of Gothenburg can now ...

Can social networks help us be more creative?

The algorithms that social media platforms use to recommend who we should "follow" are designed to steer us to people who likely share the same ideas and interests.

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